Conferences and workshops (organization)
- 2018 Summerschool “Out of my Mind: Embodied Cognition, Mechanistic Explanation and Mental Disorder”, VU University Amsterdam (co-organized with Jeroen Geurts and Gerrit Glas)
- 2018 Workshop “4E Cognition”, Radboud University Nijmegen (co-organized with Marc Slors)
- 2016 Summerschool “Neurophilosophy: Self, Science and Society”, Radboud University Nijmegen
- 2015 Workshop “Free Will and Consciousness”, VU Amsterdam (co-organized with Lieke Asma and Gerrit Glas)
- 2015 Workshop “Self-knowledge and Moral Agency”, Radboud University Nijmegen
- 2015 Workshop “Deliberation, Interpretation and Confabulation”, VU Amsterdam (co-organized with Naomi Kloosterboer, Jeroen de Ridder and René van Woudenberg)
- 2015 Conference “Psychiatry beyond Scientism”, VU Amsterdam (co-organized with Derek Strijbos and Gerrit Glas)
- 2014 Workshop “Causal Explanation in Psychiatry”, VU Amsterdam (co-organized with Derek Strijbos, Annemarie Kalis and Gerrit Glas)
- 2014 Conference “Self-Knowledge and Folk Psychology: Perspectives from Philosophy and Psychiatry”, Radboud University Nijmegen (co-organized with Derek Strijbos and Fleur Jongepier)
- 2013 Workshop “Direct Social Perception”, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (co-organized with John Michael)
- 2013 Workshop Embodied Embedded Cognition and Psychiatry, Radboud University Nijmegen (co-organized with Derek Strijbos, Marc Slors and Gerrit Glas),
- 2013 Workshop “Cognitive Humanities” with Prof. A. Roepstorff, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- 2013 OSZW Winterschool for Philosophy Research Master students, De Blije Werelt, Lunteren
- 2012 Workshop “Social Understanding: Evolution, Culture and Development”, Bochum, Germany (co-organized with Albert Newen, Anika Fiebich, Kai Vogeley and Gary Bente)
- 2012 Workshop “Narrativity: Embodiment, Interpretation and Responsibility”, ISW Amersfoort, The Netherlands (co-organized with Maureen Sie)
- 2011 Lecture Series with Prof. F. Recanati, Bochum, Germany (co-organized with Albert Newen)
- 2011Workshop “Situated Cognition”, Leiden University, The Netherlands (co-organized with Gerrit Glas)
- 2011 Symposium “Searching the Truth about False Belief Understanding”, Budapest CUE Conference on Cognitive Development, Hungary (co-organized with Albert Newen)
- 2010 Symposium “Universal and Cultural Determinants of Social Interaction and Perception”, ESPP2010, Bochum, Germany (co-organized with Anika Fiebich)
- 2010 Carnap Lectures with Prof. D. Papineau, Bochum, Germany (co-organized with Albert Newen).
Talks (selection)
- “Confabulation as a failure of self-regulation: a clinical perspective” (with Derek Strijbos). PERFECT Confabulation Workshop. Oxford UK (invited talk, May 23, 2018)
- “Folk psychological Interventions”. Workshop Agency and Causation, Gent University, Belgium (October 28, 2016)
- “Interventionism and Mental State Ascription”. Workshop Ascription, Causation and the Mind, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (invited talk, May 12, 2016)
- “Prediction Error Minimization: Implications for Embodied Cognition and the Extended Mind Hypothesis”, OZSW VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands (December 11, 2015)
- “Interventionism, Agency and Causal Exclusion” (with Victor Gijsbers). Workshop Emergence and Causation, Macerata, Italy (September 24, 2015)
- “Self-interpretation as first-person mindshaping”. Leiden University, The Netherlands (invited talk, May 12, 2015)
- “First-person Folk-psychology: Confabulation or Self-constitution?”. TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands (invited talk, March 25, 2015)
- “God and Other Minds: a reassessment” (with Hans van Eyghen). Cognitive Science of Religion Conference, Oxford University (May 10, 2014)
- “Artifactual Selves and Metaphysical Persons”, OZSW Conference Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands (November 8, 2014)
- “Situating Emotions: from Embodied Cognition to Mindreading”. Conference on Emotions: Nature, Recognition and Culture Bochum, Germany (invited talk, 18 October 2013)
- “Free Will: the Contemporary Debate”. Summerschool Science and the Big Questions, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands (August 20, 2013)
- “Agency and Woodward’s Interventionism” (with Victor Gijsbers). Causality and Experimentation in the Sciences, Paris, France (July 3, 2013)
- “An Agency-Interventionist Account of Causation” (with Victor Gijsbers). PSF 2013, Leusden, The Netherlands (May 24, 2013)
- “Beliefs, desires and intentions”. Conference Social Understanding. Bochum, Germany (September 28, 2012).
- “Mirror Neurons, Simulation and Empathy”. University of Stuttgart (invited talk, June 19, 2012)
- “Beyond Other Minds: Causality and Animacy”. ZiF Workshop Agents and Causes. Bielefeld, Germany (invited talk, 22 March 2012)
- “The Explanation of (Dis)Organized Behavior”. Interdisciplinary Lecture Series, Bochum Germany (January 12, 2012)
- “Practical Reasoning and Reason Attribution: Ontogenetic and Cross-cultural Perspectives”. Workshop Everyday Reason Talk. Leusden, The Netherlands (October 21, 2011).
- “Understanding the Intentions of Others”. ECAP 2011. Milan, Italy (September 2, 2011).
- “Natural and Cultural Intentions”. Workshop Social & Cultural Cognition. Cologne, Germany (July 15, 2011).
- “Situated Social Cognition: Alternatives to Implicit Mindreading” (with Marc Slors). Workshop Situated Cognition. Leiden, The Netherlands (June 17, 2011).
- “One to Rule them All? Situated Cognition, Dynamical Systems Theory, and the Systematicity Challenge” (with Lena Kästner). Workshop Systematicity and the post-connectionist era. San Jose, Spain (May 19, 2011).
- “The Scope of Mindreading and the Varieties of False Belief Understanding”. Workshop Recent Advances in Mindreading Research. Nijmegen, The Netherlands (invited talk, January 28, 2011).
- “An Association Account of False Belief Understanding”. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD). Budapest, Hungary (January 15, 2011).
- “Mindreading, Brainreading and Cross-cultural Complexity”. Brainreading, Mindreading and Neuroethics (November 5, 2010).
- “Comment on Pacherie. Shared Emotions, Joint Attention, Joint Action Conference. Aarhus, Denmark (invited talk, October 26, 2010).
- “Folk Psychology: in Search of Universal Technical Terminology” (with Derek Strijbos). Conference Levels of Processing: Foundations of Social Cognition. Bonn, Germany (September 17, 2010).
- “Universal and Cultural Determinants of Mindreading”. ESPP2010 Conference. Bochum, Germany (August 27, 2010).
- “A Developmental Account of Intention Attribution”. ESPP2010 conference. Bochum, Germany (August 2010, 27).
- “Folk Psychology and the Assumption of Universality”. ENS Seminar Intersubjectivity and Cognition. Lyon, France (invited talk, May 11, 2010).
- “Embodied Resonance and Social Interaction” (with Sanneke de Haan). Conference Dynamic Models of Social Interaction. Aarhus, Denmark (invited talk, January 28, 2010).