9.45- 10.00 Opening (Annemarie Kalis & Derek Strijbos)
10.00-10.45 Shaun Gallagher: “Relations between agency and ownership in the case of schizophrenic thought insertion.”
10.45-11.30 Leo Schilbach: “Second-person neuroscience: Implications for psychiatry”
11.30-11.45 break
11.45-12.30 Denny Borsboom: “Farewell to reductionism: Network modeling as a holistic research strategy”
12.30-13.15 Victor Gijsbers: “What is explanatory pluralism,and why should we embrace it?”
13.15-14.15 lunch
14.15-15.00 Tim Thornton: “Anti-reductionist normativism: a price worth paying”
15.00-15.45 Jan-Willem Romeijn / Hanna van Loo: “Comorbidity: fact or artifact?”
15.45-16.00 break
16.00-16.45 William Bechtel: “Circadian Rhythms and Depression: Seeking Links Between Mechanisms”
16.45-17.00 Closing (Gerrit Glas & Leon de Bruin)
17.00 > drinks